Exploring GPT-3 Book is Officially Published
I'm super excited to announce that after 11 months and 21 days (give or take) my book Exploring GPT-3 is officially published!
Thanks so much to everyone here in the OpenAI community who helped with reviews, feedback, ideas, edits and contributions. A special thanks to Bakz Awan (@bakztfuture), Russell Foltz-Smith (@un1crom), Ryan Sevey (@ryan.sevey), and Bram Adams (@bram) for collaborating on the technical reviews and to the OpenAI team for their support and encouragement. Thanks also to the 50+ people from the community here who provided feedback and edits!
Also, OpenAI Community members can get the PDF version free.
I've gotten an OK from the publisher to offer anyone in the OpenAI community a free PDF version of the final version - but only while the OpenAI API is still in private beta. Unfortunately, I can't provide an open download link but if you'd like a copy, just leave a comment here and I'll send one your way.
Thanks again for everyone's support. I hope this book is a valuable resource for learning and building with GPT-3. If you do find it valuable, an Amazon review would be super appreciated. If you feel it's lacking in any way, a direct message to me about how I can improve it would be equally appreciated.